Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai De Centro Apartment
Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai (De Centro) Location:
De Centro apartment details:
Total Units: 144
Property type: freehold apartment
Maintenance fees: to be updated
Built up / size: From 1,202 square feet to 1,375 square feet
Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai (De Centro) completion date
Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai was completed around year 2011.
De Centro (Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai) apartment maintenance fees
to be updated
De Centro Facilities
24-hour security,
multi-storey car park
children’s playground
De Centro apartment floor plan / Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai Layout
Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai For Sale & rental price
Selling price of De Centro as at November 2023 from Rm 460,000 – RM 560,000 depends on size and available unit on market too. The rental rate of De Centro shall be around Rm 1,800 onward as at November 2023.
To visit Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai (De Centro), please contact Scott +6011-1098 4066 or email: Or you can click here to WhatsApp me too
Click here for detailed info and personal review about Pangsapuri Tanjung Permai (De Centro).